Saturday, February 1, 2020


Thanks to Massachusetts Roving Archivist Sarah-Jane Poindexter the Granville History digital preservation project has received an Atiz BookDrive Pro book scanning setup from Boston College. B.C. had updated their scanning equipment and their Digital Collections and Preservation Librarian, Paige Walker, let it be known that their fully functional older equipment was available "free to a good home," meaning within the non-profit digital preservation community.

Sarah-Jane had recently visited the Granville Library Historical Room and was aware of Granville's digital preservation work, which is supported by NCCHP and the Historical Room so she referred the Boston College lead to us and we were the first to respond to Paige (by a matter of minutes). 

A quick trip to Boston and with much help from Cheryl Ostrowski and Paige everything was packed up and a fully loaded SUV was soon back on the road. Our benefactors were most gracious and on hearing that we would need to find cameras for the set-up they immediately offered the twin Canon units they had used with the Atiz equipment, for which we are tremendously grateful considering our limited budget.

Atiz BookDrive Pro (photo from Atiz web site)

If you're wondering what a "Roving Archivist" is, you can learn more HERE. The Massachusetts SHRAB program has been an invaluable resource for the Granville Library Historical Room and NCCHP for years and we are indebted to Sarah-Jane as well as to her predecessor, Rachel Onuf for their wealth of information and wisdom.

If you're wondering how this Atiz contraption works, click HERE for a video.

If you want to see the latest additions to the Granville History site click HERE.