The Noble & Cooley toy drum collection has been stored in the attic of Building 14 for many years. So many years that the drums were put there long before there was any thought given to their future historical value. Unfortunately many of the drums have been exposed to extremes of temperature, humidity, various pests, and light that has caused some drums to fade.
Part of the Research Library project is to move all the drums over to the archives area in Building 15 where they can be stored under better conditions and more easily maintained. The good news: progress continues. We are still seeking donations of suitable heavy duty steel shelving. More good news: Work is under way to free up space on the entire 3rd floor of Building 15 for the archives.
Here are some pictures of Phase 1 of the transfer, which shows some of the drums now in Building 15. Phase 2 will be the cleaning, cataloging and more careful storage of the drums.