Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Brownies Welcome April

The opening lines of "The Brownies in April" by Palmer Cox
(NCCHP image)
In 1891-92 "Ladies Home Journal" ran a series of illustrated stories about mischievous elf-like creatures called "Brownies" whose purpose in life was essentially to run around having playful adventures. The stories were written and illustrated by Palmer Cox. Noble & Cooley even produced a toy drum featuring a comical image of the Brownie Band (as noted here in a prior blog article about decoupage drums).

It is easy to imagine parents reading the adventures of the Brownies to their children at bedtime. The stories are charming and, well, there weren't a whole lot of options for kids back in 1892. If your parents could read and had time to read you a bedtime story, that was as good as it got.

To view and/or download the full text and illustrations of "The Brownies in April" go to the NCCHP Collections on line site by CLICKING HERE. If you have kids who like bedtime stories it's a pretty fun read that lends itself to as much dramatic interpretation as any parent might want to add!

Noble & Cooley "Brownie Band" decoupage drum panel (NCCHP photo)